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  • Writer's pictureAshley Samad

Mexican street corn at home 🌽

Updated: Jul 17, 2019

I went to a taco spot in West Hartford one time and I tried their Mexican street corn. And boyyyyy! Let me tell you..... it was the I could have eaten 5 orders by myself. I realized I loved it so much that I should probably learn how to make it myself and save a little extra cash in my pockets. So I messed around with a few recipes and vola!! I give to you my Mexican street corn!


3 ears of corn

1 lime

1/2 tablespoon smoked paprika

1/2 tablespoon chili powder

1/2 cup mayo

1/2 cojita cheese


-Heat grill to medium high heat. Take your ears of corn and oil them up. When grill is hot you may place your corn on.

-(Side note: you may boil your corn first then place it on grill for faster results)

-Corn may take up to 20-25 minutes to get grill marks. But constantly rotate corn so it does not burn. When corn is done take off grill and place on serving platter.

-Now it is time to assemble!!! You take one corn and start to slather mayo onto corn like you would when buttering corn. The more the better here! Repeat for all corns

-Once mayo is placed on all corns then you may add the cheese. Here is where the mayo is helping you. The cheese should stick onto the corn very easily, so pack that baby on!

-Last step is to sprinkle with smoked paprika and chili powder. Slice limes into 4 pieces and use as much juice as you would like on your own corn!

-And just like that it’s ready to eat! ENJOY!

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